Holiday = Podcasts

I have a fairly good commute to Loughborough; twenty minutes there and twenty minutes back. It’s just enough time to listen to a podcast or two. I’ve gradually built up quite a good selection of podcasts for the journey. Since Christmas is accompanied by a bit of spare time, here’s a list of the podcasts that regularly appear in my library. While the family is falling asleep after Christmas dinner why not give one a listen?

One of my favourites is Church Grammar with Brandon D. Smith. Evangelically rooted and theologically rich, Smith interviews a different theologian in every episode. The topics discussed range from ‘Theological Interpretation of Scripture’ to trinitarian theology. I’m always inspired to read further after listening. Smith makes a point of asking interviewees about their Christian walk which helps to ground the discussion, making you feel like you’re joining an edifying conversation among friends.

The Eudo Podcast is up next. Eudo is hosted by Paul Gould and Courtney McLean and each episode seeks to explore different dimensions of human flourishing in a disenchanted world. Courtney and Paul’s vision for the podcast is heavily inspired by the work of C.S. Lewis. They seek to present the Christian faith in a way that displays its beauty and goodness as well as its truth.

Reasonable Faith is my go to for doctrine and apologetics. In the Reasonable Faith Podcast Dr. Craig brings his towering intellect to bear on current affairs and in his Defenders Podcast he systematically works through the common places of Christian doctrine. There is a massive library of episodes here and I highly recommend them.

Thinking Fellows offers a healthy dose of Lutheranism to the mix. I initially discovered Thinking Fellows through meeting one of its hosts at an MA residential. Occasionally you can hear the pipes going in the background as the team discuss everything from Lutheran history and theology to current events.

Continuing the Reformation theme The White Horse Inn also regularly appears on the download list. This year they’ve been working through the gospel of John as well as supplying a regular diet of reformed theology and classic episodes discussing fundamental Christian doctrines.

In addition to these, as regards theology and philosophy here are some honourable mentions: The Logos Institute Podcast from the folks at St. Andrew’s, Mere Fidelity with the team from ‘Mere Orthodoxy’, Mortification of Spin with Carl Truman and friends, and to round everything off with a Wesleyan twist, Remonstrance Podcast. For biblical studies I follow The Bible Project and Biblical Foundations, and although it’s now finished Word Matters is also a good listen.

As you might have noticed, the list is theology heavy. For those times when I don’t feel like theology I subscribe to The Babylon Bee Podcast. In fact, the Babylon Bee is a weekly highlight. Ethan and Kyle always make me laugh and they have interesting guests on too.

So there’s a list of some of the podcasts I listen to. Are there any others that you recommend? Let me know in the comments.